Can Porcelain Veneers Change Color?

Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for those looking to improve the appearance of their smile. They are thin layers of porcelain that are custom-made to fit over the front of your teeth, and they can be used to change the shape, size, length, and spacing of your teeth. But one of the most common questions people have about veneers is whether or not they can change color. The answer is no.

Once you and your dentist have chosen the color of your veneers and they have been custom-made to your specifications, the porcelain will never change color. This is one of the reasons why many cosmetic dentists recommend veneers over dental adhesives for those who want to alter their smile. It is impossible to lighten porcelain veneers if there is a dark shade inside the porcelain. However, if a stain has been applied to the veneers to add color, an experienced cosmetic dentist may be able to remove it. Over-the-counter products will not lighten porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers do not change color unless they are damaged. Porcelain is more resistant to stains than tooth enamel, but the teeth behind the veneers can make them look darker. Porcelain veneers are like fine porcelain; you can never stain them and the color won't change. Once the porcelain is attached to the tooth, you won't be able to alter it.

Veneers are also more stain-resistant than natural enamel. However, it's best to avoid darker colored foods or drinks in order to keep your smile white and bright. While discoloration does not occur immediately, it can happen gradually over time. To keep your smile healthy and radiant, we recommend that you don't chew on ice, pens or pencils, or your nails as this could damage the veneers. With proper oral care, regular dental exams and cleanings, your veneers can last up to ten years. Since veneers are very thin layers of porcelain, any changes in the color of the underlying teeth will be noticeable.

If this happens, you may want to consider whitening the tooth from behind so that the color that is reflected through the veneer is whiter. Ask your dentist about in-office whitening options instead of trying an at-home option. Things like smoked foods, red wine, coffee, tea and brightly colored sauces do not change the color of the enamel but they can lead to staining on the surface. If you received veneers 20 years ago or more, they may not be made with the same porcelain used today. Dental veneers in South Edmonton can hide difficult stains and discolorations while at the same time changing the shape, width, length and spacing of your most visible teeth in your mouth.

Porcelain is a popular and ideal material for creating veneers because it is very resistant to stains. Until you receive your custom veneers in about two weeks, you will have a temporary set to wear. If the color of your veneers is a factor that cannot be cleaned, your dentist may recommend that they be changed in order to renew the beauty and brilliance of your teeth and smile. If you experience imperfections such as cracked, misaligned, discolored or chipped teeth, porcelain veneers can hide these problems. Porcelain veneers don't respond well to most over-the-counter teeth whitening products you can buy yourself. Teeth whitening products work well on natural teeth but they don't change the color of veneers.

If you liked the result before cementation then most likely the reason for any suspected color change is due to an underlying tooth structure with a darker shade that is seen through porcelain. In October I went to my dentist to put a second set of six porcelain veneers on my front teeth because I couldn't get the right color.

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